ECG Heartbeat Classification by Means of Variable Rational Projection
by Gergő BOGNÁR and Sándor FRIDLI
Department of Numerical Analysis, Faculty of Informatics, ELTE Eötvös Loránd University
Budapest, Hungary, 2018


MATLAB code of our classification framework ECG Heartbeat Classification by Means of Variable Rational Projection (to be published).

Requirements, dependencies

How to install and use

  1. Download and extract the framework to a desired folder.
    Step 2 and 3 can be skipped if you downloaded the full version including the toolboxes and the database.
  2. Download the MIT-BIH Arrhythmia Database and set the G_MITDB environment variable to its path in g_init.m (default: data/mitdb).
  3. Download the WFDB, RAIT, and LIBSVM toolboxes and add their path to MATLAB in g_init.m (default: libs).
  4. Set the G_OUTPUT environment variable to the desired output folder in g_init.m (default: results).
    All intermediate and final results will be saved to this folder, including the converted and preprocessed database, the extracted features, the classification results, and the final fusion results.
  5. The framework can be invoked with the g_ecg_classification command. If you only want to try one part then call it directly or set the G_ENTRY environment variable in g_init.m (default: 0).
    We note, that the third, classification part can take multiple hours to execute due to the high amount of data.
